As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, we are honoring our commitment to keep you updated with the latest information and resources to help you navigate through this unprecedented time.
Recent updates to our GMR Emerging Infectious Diseases web page
Note: This web page has been reorganized to make it easier to find the information you need quickly.
New documents
Key Updates
- PPE Extended Use and Reuse procedures can be found in this policy: Updated PPE Policy for Known or Suspected COVID-19 Patients
- Communication Update. While we try to send communications to specific audiences where possible, we sometimes send to all employees, so everyone has a general awareness of all activities pertaining to our COVID-19 response. We are trying to limit the number of communications, so you are not overwhelmed with email.
- If you need to talk to someone, the Optum Employee Assistance Program is available 24/7 at 866.248.4094 or via the website, GMR company code is oneteam. This is a free, confidential service.